Saturday, April 16, 2011


It has been a while since I last posted anything on here. Life happened, again. But as I sit here trying to concentrate enough to study for my ConLaw final, I find that I am still as distracted as ever. Found out yesterday that several people I know, one of whom is a very good friend, did not pass the bar exam. I'm already nervous about that darn thing & this certainly doesn't help. Pressures are mounting from all sides. As soon as someone find out that I'm a law student & about to take the bar, their first question usually pertains to what I will do once I pass. My answer of "I don't know" just doesn't suffice. They think I'm lying. Seriously, I don't know. I wish I did. I don't like uncertainty. I plan things far in advance & am content when I do so. This entire year is a big unknown for me. The last thing I want to do is study but that is the one thing I must put above all else, including the husband. I'm usually very good at time management & staying focused but as my last finals of law school approach, I still do not want to have anything to do with this. After 4 yrs of law school, I miss having a 'normal' life...& I miss my husband.

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